1340 E. Pebble Road #115 Las Vegas, Nevada 89123
phone | 702.558.9900
fax | 702.675.4999
phone | 702.558.9900
fax | 702.675.4999
Here at Vegas Voice Institute, we offer graduate students a full 14-week speech pathology externship placement. We typically offer this position in the spring, but will consider placement in the fall for the right candidate.
If you are interested in applying for this position, please complete the following questions and email them to Linda@vegasvoiceinstitute.com, with “Externship Wanted” as the subject of the email, and indicate your desired externship date and year.
Externship Questions:
1. Describe the clinical experience you have had at the university level thus far.Please describe the client or patients you worked with, the deficits they had that you were addressing, their goals, and what type of treatment you were providing to them. Please describe this in detail as if you were doing a verbal interview. State whether you liked this type of treatment, and why or why not. Please do this for at least 4 different patients.
2. Please describe your two favorite and two least favorite classes in undergraduate and graduate schools. Why did you like and dislike these courses?
3. What type of population are you interested in working with? What type do you want to get more experience working with?
4. If you graduated tomorrow, what would be your most ideal job if there were no limitations?
5. Why do you desire to do your placement at our facility?