1340 E. Pebble Road #115 Las Vegas, Nevada 89123
phone | 702.558.9900
fax | 702.675.4999
phone | 702.558.9900
fax | 702.675.4999
Take our quiz.
We will email you the results.
Which of these has been a significant problem in the last month,
Other than the times you have had a cold?
Call us at 702.558.9900 once you’ve taken our quiz and schedule an appointment for your next evaluation today.
*adapted from several validated questionnaires used in voice clinics: See Voice Handicap Index (VHI), Jacobson et al.; Voice-Related Quality of Life (V-RQOL), Hogikan & Sethuraman; Laryngo-pharyngeal Reflux Symptom Index (RSI), Belafsky et al.